Meet Van Moll. Crazy about beer, that’s why they brew it. They’re all for experiment and balance, daring, sometimes a little crazy, but never over the edge. Tradition, knowledge and stubbornness with always attention to balance.
Who are these guys?
In 1963, the last brewery disappeared from Eindhoven. Until….. in 2013 Erwin van Moll and Jaap Hermans opened a brewpub in the ‘city of lights’. Initially brewing in the basement and tapping upstairs, they later moved on to a “real” brewery.
Soon after the establishment of the brewery their annual festival was born where the big names from the craft beer world made their appearance (arguably a bit like at Just in Baxfest 😉 ).
The van Moll style developed from “langharig tuig” (or: ‘Long haired riff raff’ – brewed for metal festival Dynamo open air) through numerous collabs to a solid selection of craft beers. Ranging from blonde and tripel, to IPA to barrel-aged stouts.
Recently van Moll teamed up with 100 Watt (also from EIndhoven) and 013 brewery from Tilburg to form Lighttown brewers.
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