We invited the Glasgow hop wizards to Just in Baxfest and they said ‘yes’! Overtone is among the best Scottish breweries as far as we’re concerned (even better than the one with the hound). They make cool Sours and Stouts, but they are best known for their awesome NEIPAs where no concessions are made to quality. Meet their Weegies at our Festival!
Who are these guys?
Overtone was founded in Glasgow in 2018 by Bowei from China. Along with head brewer Dan (from New Hampshire) and Martin (who just arrived from New Zealand), he shares a love of craft beer.
With roots in New England and New Zealand, it’s no surprise that mostly New England IPAs roll out of the brewery. In doing so, Overtone believes it is important that everything is right: yeast, water and hops must form a perfect harmony.
Residents of Glasgow are called Glaswegians, or “Weegies. Therefore, the best-known beers of these Weegies are also called ‘Weegie’: Weegie, Fancy Weegie and Big Weegie.
Since several years Overtone brews not only IPAs, but also sours and stouts. A good addition to their more than excellent beers.
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