Bacon Fat Louis


Sunday May 19, 17:00

We always found that craft beer is better enjoyed with music. That’s why on Sunday your tasting experience will be enhanced by Bacon Fat Louis on the Vera Stage.

When you go to the pawn shop to buy the most shitty blender they have and you put in some RL Burnside, a slice of the Legendary Shack Shakers, some parts of Bob Log’s helmet, a few pieces of T-model Ford and a little bit of of Left Lane Cruiser then start mixing this at full speed, you will finally reach your goal; a completely new refreshing cocktail named Bacon Fat Louis!

Who are these guys?

The band, existing for almost ten years, has now definitely found their own way!

No complicated bullshit just some hot steaming no-nonsense boogie with a little taste of that fine voodoo garage-sound and always keeping the Blues as the foundation.

As the year 2020 passed by, they released their third album named BFL#3. The album got a lot of positive feedback, and very soon the band got shows and festivals in their home country and abroad.
It’s just impossible to stand still if you visit a gig of these pretty guys.

Dancing will be guaranteed!

Bacon Fat Louis is and always will be:
Bo Hudson: Guitar, vocals and some weird make-up
Thomas: Bluesharp , nice guy and so much more
Rik : Drums, and always to serious

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